#杉 林 溪 烏 龍 茶
Shanlinsi Oolong Tea
The tree growing regions are next to a protected area,with an altitude of 1,600~1,800 m.
It is cold all year around, especially in the morning and noon.
In the winter time, it sometimes snows. Tree plants grow slowly and bath phytoncide.
The tea leaves are thus one of a kind. The tea tastes smooth and yet rich, refreshing and sweet.
A taste of Shanlin scent and unique mountain scent lingers in your mouth after you drink the tea.
The alluring tea scent is decided by the types of tree plants. Eatea120 meticulously make teas in the “Good Taiwanese Tea”
line in accordance with each tree plant’s characteristics, making them have unique floral and fruity scents and scents of the growing regions,
different seasons, and baking.
Teas tell stories. We learn history, tea characters, and tea arts; enjoy the mountains; get over depression; and quench our thirst when we drink tea.
The tea culture in Taiwan is what attracts people.
#沖 泡 方 式 ( 以3公克茶葉加入200ml熱水沖泡液體為基準 )
小 茶 壺
壺底鋪滿,水溫度90-60℃,第一泡為一分鐘,之後每泡增加20秒 ( 可回沖3-4次 )
fill the bottom of the small teapot with tea leaves and pour hot water (95~100°C) into it.
Let it stand for 60 seconds. Add 20 seconds to the standing time after each rebrew.
You can rebrew it for 3-4 times.
馬 克 杯
可先溫杯,投茶量3g,水量150cc,水溫度95-100℃,沖泡3-4分鐘或以茶葉展開即可 ( 可回沖3-4次 )
warm the mug first. Put in 3g of tea leaves and pour 150ml of hot water (95~100°C).
Let it stand for 3-4 minutes or wait till the leaves are fully unfolded.
You can rebrew it for 3-4 times.
# 濃 度 的 喜 好 可 依 照 茶 湯 顏 色 以 熱 水 量 調 整
You can add more hot water to the cup according to your preferred strength of the tea.
#產 品 規 格
品名: 杉林溪烏龍茶
成分: 烏龍茶
產地: 台灣
重量: 30gX2包
保存期限: 二年
【提 醒 您】
依據現行《 消 費 者 保 護 法 》,生鮮與易腐敗商品,不適用7天鑑賞期。
欲退換貨時請立即拍照商品外觀並盡速於營業時間內來電 : e-mail至客服信箱讓客服小幫手為您處理。
若 非 上 述 之 情 形,茶 葉 主 商 品 外 包 裝 已 經 拆 封,食 品 衛 生 考 量 請 恕 不 能 退 換 。
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