影 片 紀 錄
# 台 灣 好 茶 ‧ 製 茶 紀 錄
#【製 茶】
百二歲的製茶師依循茶樹物質特性 製成「 台 灣 好 茶 」系列茶款
百二歲的製茶師依循茶樹物質特性 製成「 台 灣 好 茶 」系列茶款
The alluring tea scent is decided by the types of tree plants.
Eatea120 meticulously make teas in the “Good Taiwanese Tea” line in accordance with each tree plant’s characteristics,
making them have unique floral and fruity scents and scents of the growing regions, different seasons, and baking.
The alluring tea scent is decided by the types of tree plants.
Eatea120 meticulously make teas in the “Good Taiwanese Tea” line in accordance with each tree plant’s characteristics,
making them have unique floral and fruity scents and scents of the growing regions, different seasons, and baking.
【 百 二 歲 】 製 茶 紀 錄
# 茶 葉 # 茶 包 # 高 山 原 茶 # 茶 葉 伴 手 禮
# 茶 葉 # 茶 包 # 高 山 原 茶 # 茶 葉 伴 手 禮