也因為如此,執行長 李鎮嶺對茶有著相當濃厚的情感,深刻體會到茶農辛勤耕耘、用心呵護每一株一心二葉的養成需付出的心血與汗水。
我們知道 『傳承向來就不是件簡單的事,創新更是需要一顆勇敢與堅定的心』
2014 百二歲 正式成立
百二歲 是期許也是祝福,身為百年茶農的下一代,背負著茶農用心厚工的堅定使命,賦予家鄉的茶葉新生命
百二歲的誕生 期許自己 『不是最好的,我們不要』
PAH JI HUE` is a brand founded by a kid from the tea farm.
As a child, he watched his parents stir the tea leaves repetitively under the blistering sun.
His father once said,“You must make use of sunshine, stir and dry the tea leaves, in order to stir up the best flavor of tea”.
Although the path was arduous, precious experience is the reason why Li Zheng-ling,
PAH JI HUE` ’s founder, has such a deep connection with tea. It enables him to realize
deeply that locking perfect flavors from different kinds of tea leaves needs hardship, sweats and tears.
Everyone knows that “Building a legacy is not easy, while innovating requires a brave heart.”
Established in 2014, PAH JI HUE` represents expectations and blessings.
As new generation of the tea farm accepting the responsibility of passing on the legacy,
we have developed kinds of tea products combined with local culture that is healthy
and free of pesticides, and thus pouring new life into Taiwanese tea.
We want to let customers from different nationalities and ages know that tea is not only just for drink, but to enjoy.
“We want nothing but the best.” is what PAH JI HUE` emphasizes.
We hope to share the best tea from Taiwan and give blessing to whom receive the tea gifts to live healthy over 120 years old.